Calvary Academy
Instrument Rental Pricing
Welcome! Message from your Band Director, Mrs. Susan Russell.
I am excited to start band with your child this year. Our band program begins on Wednesday, August 21st with an Instrument Demo. Instrument testing begins the week of August 26th through Tuesday September 11th. It will be necessary to have your instrument and supplies by September 18th. Instruments and supplies may be rented/purchased from Melody Mart.
To begin: Review pricing and details on this page
Request an appointment to Rent at Melody Mart by clicking
Upon receiving your submission, an associate will reach out to you and schedule an appointment at Melody Mart to obtain an instrument.
Rent-To-Own Your Band Instrument with Us!
Rental Payments Apply Towards Purchase of Instrument
M+R (Maintenance and Replacement) Coverage Is Included
Discounts Available On All Early Payoffs
Convenient ACH Auto-Debit From Checking Account
Instruments Available for Rent
Flute $39.50 ($32 applied/$7.50 M+R)
Clarinet $39.50 ($32 applied/$7.50 M+R)
Alto Sax $54.50 ($45 applied/$9.50 M+R)
Trumpet $39.50 ($32 applied/$7.50 M+R)
Trombone $39.50 ($32 applied/$7.50 M+R)
Percussion Kit $39.50 ($32 applied/$7.50 M+R)
Baritone/F Horn $64.50 ($54 applied/$10.50 M+R)
Initial costs to get started. All prices include tax.
Flute Initial Startup: $92.00
Includes 1st month rent, method book, music stand and care kit.
Clarinet Initial Startup: $104.00
Includes 1st month rent, method book, music stand and care kit.
Alto Sax Initial Startup: $144.00
Includes 1st month rent, method book, music stand and care kit.
Trumpet and Trombone Initial Startup: $94.00
Includes 1st month rent, method book, music stand and care kit.
Percussion Initial Startup: $81.00
Includes 1st month rent, method book, music stand and care kit.
Baritone and French Horn Initial Startup: $57.00
Includes method book, music stand and care kit.